Understanding Menachem Begin: The Man, The Leader & His Values

יום ד', ט"ו טבת התשפ"א,  30 דצמבר 2020
מרכז מורשת מנחם בגין, ש.א. נכון, ירושלים, ישראל

Understanding Menachem Begin: The Man, The Leader & His Values
30 December at 20:30

The Menachem Begin Heritage Center and the Hidden Light Institute is excited to launch its new series of webinars, culminating in a major symposium in May 2021, dedicated to the legacy, values and leadership of Israel’s sixth Prime Minister, Menachem Begin.

Our first webinar features two men who knew Begin personally, his former Chief-of-Staff and one of his principal political disciples, former Deputy Prime Minister of Israel Dan Meridor; and Vice-Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Dr. Malcolm Hoenlein, who witnessed first-hand the impact of Begin’s leadership on Diaspora Jewry.